Filled Chicken Breast
For the filling take 8-10 sundried tomatoe halfs, around 50 g Feta cheese, around 75 g fresh spinach, some oil (we used a bit from the sundried tomatoes as they come in oil) and if you think it is not smooth enough you can add some creme cheese (we didn't) and put in a food processor to make a smooth paste.
By the way we found out this makes a lovely spread for bread or crudites as well (as we had more than enough filling for the chicken breasts) and so we had an appetizer while cooking - yummie. However, I don't know how long it will keep in the fridge.
Slice some pockets in 3 chicken breast (as my better half was afraid he might not get enough ;o) and stuff with the filling. Put some olive oil in an oven dish, the filled chicken breast on top, cover with kitchen foil (this silver stuff) and bake in the oven for around 30 min at 200 °C. If you like you can remove the foil at the end of the cooking time (as we did) and put on the grill to give it a nice crusty look.
Lentil Not-Mash
This was supposed to be a lentil mash, but we decided against it ;o). So here is what I did:
Chop 1 onion in little cubes and fry in a bit of oil until golden (you can use a casserole or a deep pan), add a good handful of green lentils and water to cover the lentils. Cook for about 30 min or until lentils as soft as you like them. Season with 1/2 tsp turmeric (kurkuma), 1/4 -1/2 tsp cumin, salt, pepper and some chili flakes (if you don't like it to spicey, leave the chili out of it).
Spinkle with more chopped parsley and mint ;o) - I just had a lot of herbs this weekend.
Kinda Greek Salad
From the rest of the spinach (we mainly got it in bunches of around 200 g), 1 red pepper, 1/2 cucumber, the rest of the Feta cheese blog (again mainly sold in 200 g chunks here) and some parsely and mint leaves I made a salad.
Chop the pepper and cucumber little cubes, crumble the Feta cheese on top and season with finely chopped parsely and mint, drizzle with olive oil and vinegar (I used cider vinegar this time).
I can say it was too much for the 2 of us, we have a chicken breast and some salad left for a midnight snack (or let's say a later tonight snack ;o).
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