Heat 1/3 cup (75 g) sugar with some lemon juice (just a few drops) until caramelised.
Fill 5-6 cups (ramequins) with the caramel.
Heat 2 cups (500 ml) milk with some lemon zest and mark of a vanilla pod until boiling, then put aside to cool a bit.
Crack 4 eggs and beat until smooth. Stir in the hand warm milk, mix well and fill the cups (ramequins) to the top.
All the ramequins should fit into a pan/oven dish that you fill with a bit of water (some recipes say it should be hot water, I used cold one).
I found a recipe that said you should cook the flan at 150 °C for 20-30 min, but I found out that this is not true, as you need nearly 60 min with that temperature. So next time I try it at 180 °C and see how long that takes. However, I also found out that the higher temperature will increase the risks of getting air bubbles in the flan (as I like it smooth, but also with bubbles I wouldn't care to much.)
Leave the flan in the oven to cool down and store in the fridge for a day or two (if you can wait that long) to let the caramel soak into the custard.
OK, we couldn't wait and tried the first flan 2 hours after coming out of the oven. 1 h at 150 °C gives a brilliant very creamy, smooth result. Yummie...
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